Low-level laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can accelerate tissue repair and cell growth of skin, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

This therapy helps relieve pain from soft-tissue and joint injuries and stiffness associated with arthritis. In addition, it relaxes muscle spasms and increases local blood circulation.

The benefits of laser therapy include faster wound healing, increased nerve function, and decreased inflammation. And there are no reported side effects. 

Manual Therapy includes therapeutic massages and mobilizations performed to help maintain and improve mobility and flexibility of muscles. Massage increases blood flow and helps reduce muscle spasms, muscle tension, pain, and discomfort from compensatory issues.

Passive range of motion, assisted exercise, and active exercises are performed to help maintain and improve joint mobility and flexibility of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The goal of these exercises is to rebuild muscle mass and regain strength and function of the limbs.

Working together, we will develop your pet’s individualized rehab program using all the resources available in your own home.


Intervertebral Disc Disease  Tendonitis  Core Strengthening  Post Surgical Rehab  Senior Dog Mobility Issues                                            Degenerative Myelopathy  Hip & Elbow Dysplasia  Patellar Luxations  Muscle Strains Cruciate Tears  Osteoarthritis